Water Polo Cup on Sunday

The big day is coming, the time of the second Maccabi Cup (Imre Kovács memorial competition).

Date: 21.06.2015. Sunday 14:00 to 19:00
Location: Honvéd Pool (Tüzér Street) 

Entrance is free of charge.


Warming up 13,45 – 14,15
Opening: 14.20
1st match from: 14.30 (Maccabi – Vaci VSE)
2nd match start approx: 15.30 (VSE Fater Polo – Hete / Csepel)
3rd match start: approx: 16.30 (2 losing team)
4th match start approx: 17.30 (2 winning team)
Announcement of results: kb.18,30

We welcome the fans and the volunteers!