Athletic Section


The Maccabi VAC Hungary Athletic Section

The Maccabi VAC Hungary Athletic Section started to operate in 2014, and nowadays it is a real active and vibrant team with dozens of members. The members are not „just” sport mates, but good friends as well in their private life. They regularly do common programs together. In every week there are common running trainings in the heart of the city (generally on Margarite Island), and in the Buda Hills, too. On weekends, they often go together to the nature for a stronger training, or they go together to a running competition in Budapest or in the countryside. Hot summer or cold winter – it is not problem for the members, they are really strong in all circumstances!

The team uses social media channels for the everyday communication. They’ve created a closed/secret group on Facebook for themselves, so it is quite easy to keep in touch with each other all the time, and share the relevant information or presenting the results. It is a useful equipment to motivate each other, too. 

The Maccabi VAC Hungary Athletic Section is on Instagram as well. There are always fresh and up-to-date photos/pictures, activities. You can find the team: #atletikamaccabi

Besides that the members also use the #atletikamaccabi hashtag on their own Instagram profile to popularise the team.

Some pics which represent the “everyday life” of the team:

Although the fact, that this section was established in 2014, the big „boom” was happened in 2016. In the middle of the year there was the so called K&H Half-marathon, where two Maccabi VAC -teams (a male team and a female team of 3 as well) were participating.

(K&H Half-marathon, 2016. June)

Since then, there were a lot of competitions where the members – or a part of the members – were participating together – as a team or teams. Just a couple of examples:

(Szentivánéji Száguldás, 2018. June)

Of course, Maccabi VAC Hungary Athletic Section proudly presents itself on the Jewish running event which is located in the Jewish Quarter of Budapest every year:

 (FunRun 2018. June)

Several times the Maccabi VAC teams or certain members can reach really nice places on a competition. We can often see Maccabi VAC -runners on the podium at the end of the race.

(Óbudai Futófesztivál,half-marathon in a team of 3: 3th place; 2018.)

(Around the Lake Velencei, 30 km/60 km in a team of 3:1st place in both cases; 2016.)

A couple of Maccabi VAC -runners have serious experiences in ultra-running/ultra long-distances as well. In every year there is a so popular running competition around Lake Balaton (the so-called Ultrabalaton), which is 220 km long. In every occasion there is a small Maccabi VAC-team, with 2 or 3 members, and they complete this very amazing, but very hard route during the day and night, too, without break.

(Ultrabalaton, 2017. May)

(Ultrabalaton, 2018. May)

Cross-training is also important for the members. Besides the running, the swimming and/or biking is also popular among the team. (The team organizes common swimming activities every Thursday morning in a quite accessible swimming-pool in the heart of Budapest.)

Some of the members participate in triathlon races as well, and some others just to these activities as a hobby. In the summer of 2018 a small Maccabi VAC group completed a bike tour around the Lake Balaton just for fun.

And finally: We can’t wait to arrive in Eilat!


Contact: Zsolt Hidasi
